Any person who would like to receive accommodation at “Miłosierny Samarytanin” Nursing Home should contact their local Municipal Social Welfare Centre to submit an application for accommodation in a nursing home.
Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej (Municipal Social Welfare Centre)
Dział Pomocy Instytucjonalnej (Institutional Support Department), Department Head – Ms Dorota Iwaniec, ul. Strzegomska 6
floor 1, rooms 115-117
phone/fax (071) 78-22-344, 78-22-343, 78-722-345
Social workers – room 117
If you want to move to our Nursing Home:
- you should meet us in your current place of living and give us an interview (to be written down in a proper questionnaire),
- you are invited with your family members or carers (if possible) to visit our Nursing Home to meet our personnel, residents and make yourself familiar with the quality of our services,
- you have a meeting with our psychologist,
- you submit a written “statement” on acceptance or refusal to accept proposal to live in our Nursing Home,
- in the months directly preceding your decision to move to our Nursing Home, due to our obligations towards other persons awaiting for their accommodation, you are expected to increase the intensity of your contacts.
Currently we cannot offer any commercial accommodation.